NYC Marathon Weekend. I am excited for the NYC Marathon tomorrow. I went to the expo last night to pick up my number. I am beginning to really feel the spirit of the marathon. The NYC Marathon is an amazing event. It is fun seeing the people from all over the world coming to the city. I am excited about the weather. It is going to be almost perfect marathon weather. It will be cold in the morning. The 6:30 Staten island ferry will be a good ride. I am excited about the new corals, I won't have hopefully waste energy weaving through slow people. I am feeling good. I feel well rested after Chicago and my ankle that I tweaked jumping for the subway on Monday seems heeled.
At the expo I sat in on a question and answer gathering with Ryan Hall, Brian Sell, and Dathan Ritzenhein. They were fabulous, and answered everyone questions about training and the Olympic experience. It was great to see athletes so open about their training. I asked them about their recovery routine and Dathan said he will relax and have a couple of beers. Ryan said he won't run for a couple of weeks. It is good to see them so candid about their training routine and gives inspiration to us at the back of the pack.
I talked to the Brooks rep and am excited for the new Cascadia coming out 1/1/09 and it will be bright yellow and black. I am excited for that. I also talked to the people pushing my January Marathon plans Miami or Rock N' Roll Arizona. We will see. I think I should see how everything goes on tomorrow. If I feel good I might even do the Knickerbocker 60K on November 15th.
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
1 hour ago
Arizona is THE race to can't beat the flat courses and awesome winter weather. Here is a discount code good for $10 off the marathon or 1/2 marathon - RACEAZ.
Hope to see you there!
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