
My picks for the election. William Howard Taft's ghost wont let obama win Ohio, but he will still trounce McCain.

<p><strong>><a href='http://projects.washingtonpost.com/2008/pick-your-president/'>2008 Election Contest: Pick Your President</a></strong> - Predict the winner of the 2008 presidential election.</p>


Chicago Marathon for me was a great run for about 22 miles. Until it came to rounding China town and heading to Comisky Park. There they sun got hot, very hot. Not much shade. I passed a bank that said it was 91 degrees. I know it wasn't that hot, but it was hot. i am glad I didn't run Chicago last year. Overall it was great race. Wonderful time. I was feeling really good until fairly late in the Marathon. Hopefully I will have a quick recovery and be ready for NY in 2 1/2 weeks. I am pleased with the results of Chicago. I know I did not PR, but still I think overall it was good race. Gatorade Endurance gave me stomach cramps. It was hot I need the hydration. But something about that stuff or having too much bugs me. I think I will go for the Cliff Blocks, water and just a little Gatorade at NY. Maybe just every few miles and water and cliff blocks. It all depends on the weather hopefully it will be in the 50's.

Chicago was my 10th marathon. I feel like I have done a bunch of Marathons and I still have much to prove to myself. Hopefully NYC will be good and I will do a winter marathon to get me started for 09. I feel that, I get the lazies in the winter if I do not have a marathon scheduled.