
This Saturday I ran my first ultra marathon, the Knickerbocker 60K. It was an awesome experience. I think it changed my outlook on running. I plan to jump into ultras. Hopefully running my first 50 miler this summer. It was a different outlook on how to run and how to train and how to live. It showed me the power of my endurance.
Overall this years running was highlighted by finally breaking four hours int the marathon and then completing my first ultra with a better pace than my first four marathons. I think is bodes well for the future.

2010 Preliminary Plan
Manhattan Half Marathon
Camuset 50K
NYC Half Marathon
Flying Pig Marathon
Brooklyn Half Marathon
Finger Lakes 50 miler
NYC Marathon
JFK 50
and maybe some other random races. This is all preliminary can't rush to any decisions yet. But we will see.


Last 8 weeks Marathon Training Program.

Anyone been lazy about their training.

First Time Marathoners

Need help with motivation.

Help getting out in the morning.

Advice on training.

Personalized Training Program.

email: matruns@blogspot.com

Contact matruns and I will help you get to your goal.

