July 14, 2008
Lazy Weekend
This weekend I had the lazys. Missed my long run, but did go to pilates. I just ran out of time. I was going to do it last night at like 7pm, but then got hungry and tired. But oh well, it was only 12. I will try to squeeze it in today. I did go to pilates on saturday and that was good. I think I am going to go to that saturday class every week. I also am going to experiment with the pilates classes at 62nd and Broasway NYSC. Saturday I should of done the long run, but did not want to deal the Bon Jovi crowd. They were in the way all those people from Jersey coming to the park. I heard someone at the bodego ask for a bathroom, which was odd. So what can you do about missing the long run, nothing. I am excitted about the all star game tomorow and am pissed off about not being able to get tickets. This weekend was also a tough one because it is the 8 year anniversary of my dads death. It is tough to deal with and I just have trouble dealilng with it it too. I miss him dearly. Well I go to go and will check back on the blog later.
Black Music Sunday: Some tunes about time as the times are a-changin’
It’s that time again, when most of the United States begins to observe daylight
saving time, in which we “spring forward;” setting our clocks ahead for an...
1 hour ago
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